Our tracking guidance is simple.
Too tight
Too loose
Just right!
The general rule is tight on the headlines, loose on the body. We set our large type solid—that means the leading matches the type size. For our body copy we set it at 1.4x the type size, rounded to the nearest factor of two.
Reference the examples below for some leading specifications against some common type sizes.

68PX – LEADING AY 100%

We’ve been managing New Zealanders’ wealth since 1988.

44PX – LEADING AT 112%

We’ve been managing New Zealanders’ wealth since 1988. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet esta.

28PX – LEADING AT 128%

We’ve been managing New Zealanders’ wealth since 1988. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec laoreet quam sit amet mi vehicula, ac tincidunt sem consectetur. Duis eu fringilla augue, a blandit lectus. Etiam id rhoncus augue. Proin eu elit erat.

18PX – LEADING AT 140%

We’ve been managing New Zealanders’ wealth since 1988. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec laoreet quam sit amet mi vehicula, ac tincidunt sem consectetur. Duis eu fringilla augue, a blandit lectus. Etiam id rhoncus augue. Proin eu elit erat. Aliquam sem enim, vestibulum eget auctor quis, tincidunt vulputate leo. Pellentesque eget nunc magna dignissim varius. Phasellus sed tortor eu lorem cursus sollicitudin vel vel massa. Duis vel nunc nec magna ullamcorper volutpat sed eget odio. Morbi tincidunt viverra efficitur. Vivamus dapibus arcu sem.
Line lengths can be the difference between a well-executed, readable
block of copy and a difficult, confusing mess.
Too long and the reader will struggle to gauge where the next line
starts. Too short and you’ll break the reader’s rhythm. Try to stick to
the goldilocks zone of 50-80 characters per line, or 9-12 words.
In most instances, we align flush left. This means the text of the paragraph is aligned on the left side of the paragraph block, leaving the right side ragged.
This doesn’t necessarily mean we anchor the text to the left hand margin. Feel free to offset the text as much as you want, so long as it stays flush left and sits on a grid (like this page).
We occasionally align text to the centre.
This is too long. The reader will struggle to gauge where the next line starts. Duis lobortis gravida orci, ac scelerisque nulla. Aenean vestibulum tellus ac urna tempus, non luctus nisi fringilla. Cras vel pharetra erat, eget condimentum magna. Nam elit metus, estas pharetra vitae sem vel, porttitor congue libero. Sed facilisis, sapien non pretium aliquet, dui turpis tristique arcu, vitae efficitur nulla tortor ut ex. Pellentesque bibendum efficitur lacinia. Phasellus vel sapien et massa finibus convallis quis id arcu.
130 Characters
60 Characters
20 Characters
This is just right. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteture adipiscing elit. Duis lobortis gravida orci, ac scelerisque nula. Aenean vestibulum tellus ac urna tempus, non luctus nisiyu fringilla. Cras vel pharetra erat.
This is too short. It’s difficult to get into a good flow. Ipsum dolor.

New Zealand Funds Management Limited is the issuer of the NZ Funds KiwiSaver Scheme, the NZ Funds Managed Superannuation Service, the NZ Funds Advised Portfolio Service, the NZ Funds Wealth Builder, and NZ Funds Income Generator. A product disclosure statement for each of the NZ Funds KiwiSaver Scheme, the NZ Funds Managed Superannuation Service, the NZ Funds Advised Portfolio Service, the NZ Funds Wealth Builder, and NZ Funds Income Generator is available on this website or you may request a copy by contacting us.