Brand Assets
Where we haven’t created a bespoke icon, we use the Google Material icon library. These icons are open source under an Apache license, and available in a range of formats and sizes.
We only use the ‘Sharp’ icon style.
You can download commonly used icons from the library below.

New Zealand Funds Management Limited is the issuer of the NZ Funds KiwiSaver Scheme, the NZ Funds Managed Superannuation Service, the NZ Funds Advised Portfolio Service, the NZ Funds Wealth Builder, and NZ Funds Income Generator. A product disclosure statement for each of the NZ Funds KiwiSaver Scheme, the NZ Funds Managed Superannuation Service, the NZ Funds Advised Portfolio Service, the NZ Funds Wealth Builder, and NZ Funds Income Generator is available on this website or you may request a copy by contacting us.